Saturday, June 26, 2010

Grandma Rita's Potato Salad

My Grandma Rita is my mom's mom and this one out of her two specialties. My mom has been making potato salad for YEARS. I usually can't stomach anything with mayonnaise, but this potato salad is lovely and flavorful. And its NOT mayonnaise soup.

This is the perfect size salad for a graduation party, birthday party, summer BBQ, or 4th of July. This recipe will make 5 pounds of potato salad.

You will need:

5lbs of potatoes (cubed)
6 hard boiled eggs (diced)
1 1/2 cup diced celery
1 1/2 cup diced red onion
1 4 oz can of sliced drained black olives
1 cup chopped dill pickle
2 cups mayonnaise (it doesn't matter what kind, but light is more expensive)
1/4 cup mustard
1/4 cup dill pickle juice
1 tsp blk pepper
2 tbsp parsley

You're going to want to boil the potatoes for about 30 minutes or until tender. You don't want them boiling for longer since you don't want mashed potatoes, right?
Once the potatoes are boiled AND HAVE COOLED cut them into bite sized cubes about the size of a standard playing dice or a little bigger. Put all the cubed potatoes into a large bowl.
It doesn't matter which order you put all the other ingredients in but I recommend putting in all the produce first and then the condiments. Mix well.
Also the potato salad with taste so much better if you make it a day or two before. It allows time for the flavors to mesh and the potatoes to absorb the flavor.

A funny story about this recipe: My mom made this potato salad for a wedding reception once for my dad's side of the family. Now you need to understand that I love my dad's side but they are kind of hillbillies. My grandpa's cousin John (whom has the personality of a doorknob) was going down the buffet line and my mom was right behind him. He got to my mom's potato salad and scrunched up his face and said, "Who the hell put all this shit in the potato salad?!" Meaning the onions and olives and mustard and pickles. My mom turned to him and said with pride, "I DID!!" To this day all my family members prefer my mom's potato salad to the traditional bland swill.
As a matter of fact we just returned from a graduation party and the mother of the graduate emptied out our leftover potato salad bowl into a bowl of her own because her whole family LOVES my mom's potato salad.

Potato salad doesn't have to be bland...


  1. I never thought to put black olives into the potato salad before. My mom is like yours she put all the same other ingredients. I with you about hating the bland salads. And yeah, I've noticed if its good for you, it costs more. What gives with that...

  2. yeah i dont think it makes any sense that junk food is so cheap and health food costs a fortune.
